Friday 25 March 2011

Breaking the fourth wall

The fourth wall is the imaginary "wall" at the front of the stage in a traditional three-walled box set in aproscenium theatre, through which the audience sees the action in the world of the play. The idea of the fourth wall was made explicit by Denis Diderot and spread in nineteenth-century theatre with the advent of theatrical realism, which extended the idea to the imaginary boundary between any fictional work and its audience.
The presence of the fourth wall is an established convention of modern realistic theatre, which has led some artists to draw direct attention to it for dramatic or comedic effect when this boundary is "broken", for example by an actor onstage speaking to the audience directly.
The acceptance of the transparency of the fourth wall is part of the suspension of disbelief between a fictional work and an audience, allowing them to enjoy the fiction as if they were observing real events. Although the critic Vincent Canby described it in 1987 as "that invisible screen that forever separates the audience from the stage," postmodern art forms frequently either do away with it entirely, or make use of various framing devices to manipulate it in order to emphasize or de-emphasize certain aspects of the production, according to the artistic desires of the work's creator.
Speaking directly to the audience through the camera, in a film, play or television program, is referred to as "breaking the fourth wall."

Some examples of "breaking the wall":

 - Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
 - Wayne's World.
 - Pantomimes.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Production Company

As I was away for the lesson where we learnt about after effects, I'm not going to be able to do something too technological for my production logo, I've decided I'm just going to play around with fonts I like and have them appear on screen in different manners.

I have chosen my studio to be called, 'Radiation Studios' and my production company to be 'Underwood Productions' as its my surname.

Sunday 20 March 2011


For the music for my piece I am going to use the free and legal music download site

from here I chose Maya Filipic's song entitled 'I Don't Know Anymore' as I felt that it fitted with the tone of my media.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Narrative of the video.

Narrative usually possess two components. The story and the process of its telling. Certain film directors and producers alter the regular narative of a film to create a puzzle like effect, like that in Memento. I have decided that I am going to do my narrative in a chronological order as it is going to be filmed in a documentary style, and would make more sense in that way, letting the audience know what is happening in the lives of these people as it does.

Audience Research

Audience Research from Jessica Baker on Vimeo.